ICEMT employs doubleblind review, where both the reviewer and author remain anonymous throughout the process. Each paper will be reviewed by 2-3 reviewers. Prior to the review process, the ICEMT program committee will conduct a skrining process for the submitted paper regarding the scope and tracks of the conferences. The paper that covered the conference scope will be assigned to the reviewers, otherwise the paper will be rejected by the program committee and returned to the author. The committee also conducts plagiarism checking for the submitted paper. The paper with high similarity may be rejected before the review process.
Reviewer assignment
Reviewers assigned to the submitted paper are selected based-on matching of the reviewer expertise and topic of the paper. Our database is constantly being updated. We welcome suggestions for reviewers from the author though these recommendations may or may not be used.
Review Criteria
Reviewers evaluates the submitted paper based on the following criterias:
- Originality of the paper
- Is methodologically sound
- Technical quality of the paper
- Contributes to the research area
- Paper presentation and clarity
- Follows appropriate ethical guidelines
- Literature reviews of the related works
Reviewers are not expected to correct or copy edit manuscripts. Language correction is not part of the peer review process.
Decision of the manuscript
A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author along with any recommendations proposed by the reviewers, and may include verbatim comments by the reviewers.
Director’s Decision is final
Reviewers advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article
2. No show Policy
Papers that are not presented in the conference will not be included in the final Proceeding
3. Licence to Publish Agreement
The corresponding author, who is also marked as such in the header of the paper, must sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. He or she signs and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors.
The corresponding author must be available to check the paper before it is published. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to ICEMT, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors’ names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered.